This application form relates only to properties in Centacare Evolve Housing’s Affordable Housing program.
Important: this application does not apply to Centacare Evolve Housing’s Social Housing program.
Centacare Evolve Housing owns or manages approximately 500 affordable housing properties throughout Tasmania.
Affordable housing offers a secure housing alternative for low-to moderate income households who cannot afford private market rent. Eligibility is based on a household income assessment (see below).
Affordable housing rent is calculated as a percentage (normally at or below 80%) of market rent, which is assessed by independent valuation or internal assessment.
Rent is paid two weeks in advance and a security deposit (or ‘bond’), equivalent to four weeks rent, is required.
Eligibility income limits for the 2019-2020 financial year are set out in the following table.
We use these eligibility income limits because they apply to the Federal Government’s National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) and many of our affordable housing properties are subject to NRAS criteria.
If, after considering the above information, you wish to proceed with an application for our Affordable Housing Register of Interest please complete the details required below.
Completion of this application form may not necessarily result in housing allocation. Allocations for available properties are made in accordance with our Housing Allocations Policy (available on our website) and our Affordable Housing Allocation Procedure.
If a potentially suitable property becomes available, you will be required to provide the additional information we need to confirm eligibility and suitability. The additional information required includes, but is not limited to, income confirmation, updated household information, details of pets, and any specific accessibility or modification requirements.